Thursday, September 9, 2010

Home Food Storage - What Should We Store?

In our efforts to become prepared for any situation, accumulating home food storage should be close to the top of our to-do list. Most of us know that food and water storage is essential should a natural disaster strike, employment be interrupted, or a health pandemic strike that requires families to be isolated from each other for an unspecified amount of time. Once we know what might happen, and we desire to become prepared, we then ask ourselves, how much water do I need, and what food items should I be storing in conjunction with my water supply?

Water is probably the most essential part of a home food storage system. A person can survive longer without food than they can without water. According to the American Red Cross, the minimum amount of storage should be 1 gallon of water per person per day. With that said, more accurate recommendations would be 3 gallons of water per person per day (this allows for cooking and proper personal hygiene). Credible on-line sources also encourage people to have a 10-14 day supply of water for all persons in your household (the American Red Cross only recommends 3 days).

Water should be stored in a cool dark place away from direct sun light and heat sources. Water storage tanks, barrels, and other food-grade containers are best for water supplies in large quantities. For more convenient and simpler storage, containers such as 2-liter plastic soda pop bottles (avoid milk and juice containers) are recommended for water storage when properly cleaned with soap and water and sanitized by liquid bleach. Commercially packaged water sources are also good for storage supplies but should be used by the expiration (or "use by") date. Keep purchased water in it's original packaging, and do not open until needed. When storing your own water supplies, be sure to date the container and rotate every 6 months. Treatment is usually not necessary if the water supply comes from a city utility. If it is from a well or other non-treated source, then follow the FEMA specifications for treatment with non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach.

For long-term food items, many experts will recommend the following: wheat, white rice, corn, sugar, pinto beans, rolled oats, pasta, potato flakes, apple slices, non-fat powdered milk, and even dehydrated carrots. Most of the products previously listed have a shelf life of 20-30 years when stored in appropriate containers and when kept dry and at room temperature or cooler (75F/24C or lower).

Appropriate containers include #10 cans, foil pouches, PETE bottles, and/or plastic buckets (for very dry longer-term storage items only). These contains, along with oxygen absorber packets, will allow for the longest shelf life possible for your longer-term food storage products. The amount of foods to store is relative to your situation, but the goal for your family should be to put together a 1-year supply of food (where possible).

For shorter-term food items, you should store what you normally eat, up to around a 3 month supply. Once you have accumulated an adequate short term supply, you will need to rotate your items regularly to avoid spoilage. You may also want to consider purchasing a pressure canner for meat storage, as well as a vacuum sealer to allow the storage of other short-term dry goods (such as chocolate chips, nuts, raisins, candy bars, or just about anything else in your pantry). With this type of storage, shelf life could be as high as 3 years if the foods are kept cool - a good rule of thumb when considering your food reserves: the higher the storage temperature, the shorter the shelf life.

As your home food storage reserves increase, more space within your home will be needed. Besides the garage or basement, some other places to store your food and water could be closets, under beds, stairways, or tables, attics, storage units, etc. Good sturdy shelving in a basement or garage is also recommended. Where possible, keep storage containers off of cement floors (this has been a recommendation for years, but evidence is still scarce as to whether or not direct exposure can cause contamination). The key with food storage location is that the temperature remains fairly consistent (and within the recommended guidelines), and direct sun light and heat sources are far away from the storage area.

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